The seasons seem to be coming around very quickly now, with Autumn almost upon us. This is not only one of our favourite times of year, but traditionally, it’s a time when house hunting activity increases once more as holidays end and children go back to school. If you’re planning on selling your home over the next few weeks, here are a few tips to getting it ready for viewings and securing an autumn sale:

Kerb appeal

First impressions are so important when it comes to selling a home, and this starts with the front of your property. It tends to get windier and wetter in Autumn with leaves more likely to be dotted around pathways, front lawns and doorsteps. Meanwhile windows and doors can get dirty quite quickly. To avoid putting off any potential buyers, make sure you mow, sweep and clean all of these areas before your professional photographs are taken and before each viewing. A fresh doormat is always a good idea too.

Entrances and hallways  

Wet leaves and mud can also make their way into homes, whether returning from the school run, a shopping trip or a beautiful dog walk amongst all the Autumnal colours. These will be most prevalent in hallways and any entrances such as your back door. You don’t want viewers to be stepping onto mud or slipping up on leaves so sweep up and remove muddy boots and shoes from sight. Remember, the key is to create a clutter-free environment as well as a clean one.

Turn the heating on

If it’s cold outside, make sure your home is warm inside. Whilst we appreciate it is an expensive time to heat a property at the moment, warm and cosy is what buyers are looking for. Popping the heating on an hour before a viewing should do the trick. It’s worth the additional cost if it means securing an attractive sale price. Meanwhile, if you have a fire, light it. These are a very attractive feature for purchasers, creating a welcoming cosy refuge.

Let there be light

With shorter days, natural light isn’t so prevalent as it is during summer. This can make rooms feel darker during Autumn. Maximise natural light by tying back curtains, folding back blinds, cleaning the inside of your windows and cutting back any plants that may be covering your panes. You will also find that afternoon viewings will be happening when it’s dark outside, so you’ll need plenty of lights on inside. Make sure all of your bulbs are on and working. Lamps can add a really cosy feel to a room – a clever trick is to pop one on a side table in darker areas. We also love a candle or two to create some ambiance, but try to avoid scented ones as these are not everybody’s taste.

Don’t forget the garden

Whilst you won’t have a garden in full bloom in Autumn, it’s important to show its potential to prospective buyers to provide that all important good first impression. Outdoor space has become very important for people now as a result of Covid-19, so it’s something to focus on. Maximise dry days by mowing the lawn, deadhead your summer buds, clean up your vegetable garden, remove weeds and clear away fallen fruit and foliage. If you have a shed or a greenhouse, make sure they’re looking clean and tidy too. Put away tools and and outdoor furniture should be cleaned up and laid out neatly. Whilst tubs and hanging baskets can add instant colour to a garden which may lack character.

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