rooster weather vane

Referral Policy

Hancock and Partners Limited 

We offer additional referral services to our clients to assist them with moving house.

We have a written agreement with Apollo Mortgages whereby Hancock and Partners will receive a fee of £250 when referring a client who subsequently agrees to arrange a mortgage.

We also have informal arrangements with a couple of local solicitors and removal companies and our staff may receive a voucher or similar for referring a client. These would typically be between in the region of £50-£100.

We do not guarantee the service for these third parties.

Hancock and Partners Lettings Department

We may receive referral commission from insurers, contractors, utility management companies or solicitors which depends on the provider but will typically be in the region of 10-15% of the policy amount or cost of works.

If you would like further information on the above, then please contact us:

Last reviewed October 2023
